Disrupter in Green Tech Event

Disrupter in Green Tech Event

These Tech in Motion events immerse us in the vibrance and innovation of the Los Angeles startup scene. It's awesome to be in such company of like-minded startups looking towards a sustainable & environmentally friendly future.

First floor of the awesome blAckwelder venue. The calm before the storm.

Our sustainability oriented booth.

Our sustainability oriented booth.

Talked with so many entrepreneurs in green tech.

Talked with so many entrepreneurs in green tech.

Had the pleasure of talking manufacturing with the president of the company who makes this automated parking structure. Pretty cool stuff!

Designing with Autodesk

I wrote a little post over on the Autodesk site about the software we use and my thoughts on present & future of design and manufacturing. Love working with these guys!

Visit to Haas Automation

Visit to Haas Automation

Enjoyed touring Haas Automation today. We're local to each other and it was awesome to see American manufacturing at its finest.

Haas Automation
Yard of castings. One of the few outsources components.

Yard of castings. One of the few outsources components.

Pretty typical assembly factory layout.

I used to do robot end of arm tool design so it was cool to see automated manufacturing implemented.

Tool changer on the biggest mill I've ever seen.

Tool changer on the biggest mill I've ever seen.

The 5 axis that cut the Formula 1 car plugs.

The 5 axis that cut the Formula 1 car plugs.

Tool changer assemblies.

Making chips. This is the machine I came to look at. *hint hint*

Making chips. This is the machine I came to look at. *hint hint*

Tech in Motion TIMMY Awards Booth

Our demo booth came alive last night at the TIMMY awards. Such a pleasure to work with the Tech in Motion girls and awesome to see whats going on in the LA startup scene. Check our booth video here.

The real booth.

The real booth.

The CAD booth.

The CAD booth.

Curt Chan from Autodesk on the photobomb.

Curt Chan from Autodesk on the photobomb.

NYC CNC Porsche 930 Fuel Cap Collaboration

NYC CNC Porsche 930 Fuel Cap Collaboration

Porsche fuel cap we designed for an awesome youtube collaboration with John Saunders from NYC CNC!

Our render.

Our render.

Our 3D printed prototype. We modeled the threads off a photo and it fit perfect! Check the video on Johns facebook page.

Our 3D printed prototype. We modeled the threads off a photo and it fit perfect! Check the video on Johns facebook page.

Another Throwback

Another Throwback

It's been a week of meetings so far so in place of some fresh content, lets do a throwback to 2007/8. This was for a brushless quadcopter design I was developing way before the 'drone' market exploded. Might show some more of this in the future.

CNCing a mold.

CNCing a mold.

Thermoformed parts pulled from the plug.

Thermoformed parts pulled from the plug.

Automated Manufacturing -Robots!

Automated Manufacturing -Robots!

Throwback to the robot end of arm tool design days for automated manufacturing at Tessy Plastics. Learned so much here!

Robot Tools
Robot End of Arm Tool



Having a 3D printer around can be very useful!

iPhone tripod mount.

iPhone tripod mount.

Headphone parts.

Headphone parts.